Video, when combined with copy, is one of the most powerful tools in marketing
Video Production
The Power of Video
It is widely stated that actions speak louder than words, it’s why many of us are drawn to the screen over the page. Yet perhaps the most powerful means of communication would be the two working in tandem, as video not only emphasises the story we chose to create but displays, vividly and tangibly, the truth behind our words. Video exonerates the narratives we construct, building their foundation and proving that your story is not simply a collection of words on a page but a reality.
And isn’t that the goal of marketing? To broadcast that your ideas have become a reality?
Video stakes its claim in truth- a visible translation of your ideas come to life. A means of accessing the mind’s eye to show your creation – to invite others in, to share your vision, to celebrate your reality as your audience is captivated by what you have built. As they realise that your concept is not simply words on a page but something to take part in.
Something tangible and visceral. Something worth more than their time.
So what are the key elements of video production, and what are the benefits of video marketing to businesses today?
One of the key elements of video production is drawing from a place of honesty or reality; when done right, it doesn’t feel like marketing at all and can be one of the most powerful ways to actively get people on board with your thoughts and ideas by communicating in a simple, heartfelt representation of truth. This strategic approach stimulates your audience’s interest in a brand, products or services upon a basis of trust and respect.
But what makes a video production campaign successful is having a well thought out strategy and the implementation of that strategy by delivering quality content.
What are the Benefits of Video Production?
The more engaging the on-site content your website has, directly translates to how much time customers spend on your site, increases brand recognition and overtime customer trust, not forgetting that ‘time on site’ is an important ranking factor in the SERPs. Every targeted article you write translates to increased traffic and inbound links to your website and boosts domain authority. Furthermore, by encouraging customer engagement on your website increases social sharing and followers, the more people talking about your brand the better!
Having egaging video content attached to these pages only assists these areas – and in drastic measures. Creating purposeful, engaging content can be a time-consuming process, however, the time invested in video content marketing is one of the most cost-effective, long-term strategies to increase leads to your website.
Every article you give a physicality in the form of video essentially leverages the return on your investment.
To ensure the success of your content marketing strategy, due-diligence is required, comprehensive research needs to be done on the prevailing topical social buzz in your marketplace, hitting the right spot with your audience can make your website a worthy resource in your industry, this is where Increaseo can help.
How We Can Help Your Business
At Increaseo, we feel strongly that creating high-quality content is an effective form of marketing that is critical for all businesses. We work with our clients to create relevant, quality content that brings stories to life. We produce content that people want to watch, read and share. Furthermore, it is becoming increasingly important that the content produced is supported via paid advertising, social media promotion, email marketing or influencer outreach to ensure that the content reaches the intended audience.
Our video production services and skills include:
- Animation
- Corporate Style
- Custom Series
- Documentary
- Drone
- Educational
- Event
- Promotional
- Safety
- Social Media
- Training
- TV Commercial
- Virtual Reality
- Web Content
By cutting through the glut of content currently pervading social media content marketing creates powerful impressions, draws new customers, generates qualified leads to your targeted audience, and increases sales whilst benefiting your search engine rankings. The sooner you start, the quicker your company will start reaping the benefits.
Let us assist you in the planning and execution of a video content strategy specifically designed for your business.

"Increaseo has impressed through their willing understanding of, and integration with our business. The demonstrated technical competency has ensured they deliver digital solutions thoughtfully in an interwoven, effective manner."
General Manager Marketing
Daniel Derrick
Selected projects
Contact us to get started...
Whether your brand has never thought of creating content before or already has a proven history of creating strategic content, we’d love to speak with you about how we can take your content to the next level.