SNCF wanted a small quiz developed for their staff to celebrate the 10 years of ‘SNCF Gares & Connexions‘, the quiz was to be engaging and interactive to encourage visitors to play with the site and complete the survey.
Only staff from SNCF would be able to visit the website and complete the quiz. Participants who gave correct answers went in the draw to win a prize.
Working with Communication Agency Ketsu, we developed a solution that detected a users business email address and custom script identifying where they are coming from, we restricted access to employees of SNCF. We developed a JS Animated quiz to allow for smooth transitions between questions and utilised HTML5 for the sound generated by the piano keys.
Nice animated quiz with piano sound effects as a one-pager application. Stylish, easy and intuitive user experience.
ClientSNCFServicesWeb DevelopmentYear2019
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