Vitality Works

Vitality Works delivers workplace health solutions and programs across Australia. This includes corporate and organisation wide vaccination rollouts. In this case Vitality Works wanted to increase flu vaccination landing page visibility and traffic via a targeted search engine marketing campaign.

With the impending rollout of the Covid-19 vaccine there was less focus on corporate flu vaccine programs during the 2021 flu season. The challenge for Vitality Works was to improve visibility and awareness of their flu vaccination programs.

The flu vaccination program rollout is an annual event for Vitality Works. We utilise previous annual SEM campaigns to leverage optimisation for the new campaign period.

The Covid-19 pandemic posed challenges and uncertainty around for the flu vaccinations in general. Taking learnings from previous campaigns, we then adjusted keywords and ad copy to be relevant to the new campaign period to ensure we cut through the noise in the marketplace.

We then ran the campaign from just prior to the beginning of the 2021 flu season, continuing to optimise in response to new and challenging variables.

Despite the changing market conditions brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic the 2021 search engine marketing campaigns generated a significant number of valuable leads. This resulted in a higher than expected corporate flu vaccination program uptake at an efficient cost per lead.

The team at Increaseo have been great to work with and have given us invaluable advice on our new website, SEO strategy and digital ad campaigns. They are truly an extension to our marketing team and are experts in all things digital! ~ Lucy Brown, Marketing Manager

ClientVitality WorksServicesSEMYearApril 2021 to June

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