We have worked with Sanitarium on various digital aspects of the TRYathlon series for a number of years, including designing and developing the Weet-Bix Kids TRYathlon website. The series is Australia’s largest kids non-competitive event and is supported by Australia’s number one breakfast cereal, Weet-Bix. A specially designed Weet-Bix carton to promote the TRYathlon series was to be manufactured and this required portraits of participants wearing and using branded merchandise.
Our photography team has many years of experience in food packaging photography and our central coast photography studio was used to capture the portraits required for the design. The client sourced the participants and the props and a variety of poses were created under a simple lighting set up to show off bright, engaging and happy kids in their TRYathlon merchandise. The deliverables on the project were a number of variations of each participant, giving the food packaging designers a range of images to select from when finalised their pack designs.
A well-organised shoot based off a pre-determined shot list resulted in no time wastage and therefore engaged talent. This created fun images, showing off different personalities and gave Sanitarium a great choice of images. The brand manager and designers were pleased with the outcome and all images were accepted without revision.
ClientSanitarium Weet-BixServicesPhotographyYear2018
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